
Episode 9: How to Find Your Purpose

Published on: 22nd July, 2018

The 4 Key Questions that Will Unlock Your Destiny


This week’s Thriving on Purpose Podcast Episode is going to be about this most important question: How to Find Your Purpose.


Of course, with a name like Thriving on Purpose, this was not only inevitable but also necessary for us to address.


Many, many entrepreneurs, even many of whom are very successful often ask this very question…


How do I find my purpose?

Sometimes, it shocks us. Why? Because the question may come from those who seem to have it all together. We don’t usually hear this question from the aimless and jobless, but rather from those who are already very successful in one lane or another; hence the importance it has for serious entrepreneurs.


As we will explore together, there are four simple questions you can ask yourself that have the potential to lead you into your destiny.


These questions (or steps if you prefer) have been talked about, written about, even philosophized about. The greatest thought-leaders on the planet have addressed how to find your purpose time and again; and these four questions are almost always at the center of the discussion.


Those who dared to ask themselves those questions, and answered them honestly, are those who are Thriving on Purpose. It is our hope that you will do the same after this important episode.


Remember, you can only reach the T.O.P. of the mountain God has set before you if you are Thriving on Purpose!


In this Episode You Will:

Learn what your purpose isn't, as we debunk some myths concerning Christians and Purpose.

♦ Understand the crucial difference between your skills and your gifts.

♦ Learn how to find your 'Sweet Spot'.

♦ Ask yourself Four Key Questions that will unlock your destiny!


Memorable Quotes:


Definition: "pur·pose,ˈpərpəs/, noun

1- the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists."


"You can be successfully wrong." - T.D. Jakes


"Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words."


"Your life is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God."


"We are human beings, not human doings."


"Your greatest misery may lead to your greatest ministry."


"Your purpose isn’t to go to school, get a good job, and pay bills for the rest of your life."


"Most people find their purpose in their thirties or forties… and not in their teens. And especially not at their job."


"Your conversion was only the beginning of your answering the call of God on your life."





"A strength is something you do that you are very gifted at and that comes easily to you."


For the believer, there are two categories of strengths…

1- Your natural talents and abilities (those you were born with)

2- Your spiritual gifts (those you were born again with)"



"The praise and requests of others is the most potent way to confirm one’s potential calling or purpose."


"God wants nothing more for you than to discover and embrace your calling. After all… there is no calling without a caller. And He is the Caller!"


"When God’s children walk in the fullness of their purpose - it glorifies God’s name."


Recommended Resources:


FREE RESOURCE: Thrive on Purpose - 8 Stepping Stones to a Successful and Fulfilled Life, by Sebastien Richard


Blog Post: READ HERE


One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do, by Phil Cooke


The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life, by Os Guinness


Destiny: Step into Your Purpose, by T.D. Jakes


The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here, by Rick Warren


In Pursuit of Purpose, by Dr. Myles Munroe


The Power of Significance: How Purpose Changes Your Life, by John C. Maxwell






The post Episode 9: How to Find Your Purpose appeared first on Thriving on Purpose.

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Thriving on Purpose Podcast
Building Up The Kingdom & Tearing Down Strongholds
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Elisabeth & Sebastien Richard

We help today's believers in the areas of Faith, Leadership, and Personal Growth.